Saturday 17 February 2018

Warning Signs to Look For With Deep Cycle Batteries

One of the most intimidating situations for a car owner is when the car comes a standstill and upon investigation, it is discovered that the battery has died. This is one of the few incidents or problems in a vehicle that no car owner wants to face, but unfortunately, they have to. This is simply because they ignore the warning signs that this component, including deep cycle batteries show and in this post; we will be studying some of these warning signs.

Dim headlights
  • If your vehicle’s century batteries Norwest are finally about to die after serving you for years, the first warning sign would be in the form of "Dim Headlamps".
  • The fact is that in case of dying battery, all the electrical components of your vehicle will face the impact and this would include headlamps as well.
  • Therefore, keep an eye on this and upon noticing that they have become dimmer, you should immediately get the battery status checked.
Clicking sound when you turn the key
  • As you turn "ON" the ignition, what happens that century batteries Norwest send current towards the engine’s component called, starter.
  • A dying battery will find it tough to perform this function and as a result, the current sent will be weaker.
  • In a weaker current scenario, it is the starter that generates this clicking sound and if you are getting this sound, you should get alert about the battery.
Slow crank
  • According to the experts that re-gas A/C, if you notice that the engine is cranking abnormally then it used to crank earlier, you should immediately understand that there is an issue with deep cycle batteries.
  • This abnormal cranking means, slower cranking or cranking sluggishly.
Other signs that reveal the underlying problem in car’s batteries are – 
  • Needing to press on the gas pedal to start
  • A failing battery can cause intermittent sparks as well as backfiring